
Introduction to State-C

The State-C project is a simple utility to embed various types of data into an applications data section. It is written in Go, but is primarily intended to help in the development of C and C++ applications.

The basic idea is the following:

  1. We write a file foo detailing data known at your software’s compile time.

  2. We pass this file to State-C, which will produce foo.asm, the equivalent of this file in assembly code (NASM). A header file foo.h is also produced.

  3. This assembly file can be compiled to an object file foo.o.

  4. The object file can be linked into a larger project. Other components of the project can access the data in this file via labels defined in foo.h.

The type of data representable via State-C includes:

Most of learning State-C is learning the syntax of State-C source files.


Scalar values are declared quite simply with:

int a = 10
float b = 8.67


Arrays are declared by specifying the type and a list of its elements.

array int fib 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21
array float pos 5.88 1.131 9.111


Tables are declared by giving the names and types of their fields, followed by a complete list of rows.

table bruh int a float b 
69 3.14 
420 2.718


Enums in State-C are simply a collection of integer scalars with related names. Their values are assigned sequentially starting from 0.

enum category


Arbitary data can embedded as so:

dump message "message.txt"

Here message.txt might contain:

This is a text file, but this could be any arbitrary data. 

The header file will look something like:

#pragma once

extern void* message; 
extern int message_LEN;

The extra variable message_LEN details how many bytes message.txt contained.


In order to avoid namespace contamination, it is recommended to give all data labels a prefix.

prefix res_ 
int a = 10 

In this example, the resulting header file will look something like this:

#pragma once

extern int res_a; 

Using Scalar Identifiers

Source files are parsed top-to-bottom, and any scalars defined earlier in a source file can be reused in later defintions.

float pi = 3.14
float e  = 2.718
array float cool_nums e pi